Wednesday, July 31, 2019

          While technology is rapidly changing the way talent acquisition is evolving and more and more jobs are now online than ever before, yet finding the right talent for the requisite job is still a game of matchmaking that can either go terribly wrong or wonderfully right.
What is it that company leaders can do differently to need to improve hiring? How can technology be leveraged as a strong tool in their arsenal? How can building a strong employer brand help you attract the right talent?
            In an exclusive interaction with People & Jobs, indeed throws light on how can TA leaders improve upon talent acquisition, the future of job sites and the increasing importance of employer brand in company
            There have been a lot of changes in the space and it continues to change quickly.  The biggest change that we have seen is that job seeking has moved online at an incredible rate. Take for instance in Cambodia today, there are million people check to website every month. Today, in Cambodia have a many recruitment agency. And this shift has required company to be much more digital in terms of how they do recruitment.
            But for most people, have work is the most powerful source of identity. When you go to work for a company, you inherit the brand of the company you are working for.

    Today, People &Jobs company is a recruitment agency in Cambodia and focus a lot on telling that story of why someone would be proud to work. There is a lot more information and job seekers are much more focused on understanding  that. and you can research     follow internet.
            People & Jobs have a mixed feeling on technology-in many ways, it is still the human elements of recruiting that are most important. It’s really important to be able to connect with a company as a person in a human way, it is important to tell a story that is meaningful and true-that what is it like to work for the company. So these elements still remain important.
        As far as the technology aspect is concerned, when you have a job you are looking to fill, it is important to get it out on the right digital platforms. There are a lot of job seekers out there and it’s important to make sure they all see it. Then you have the best chance of finding the right candidate. The other important thing is to that company strike the right balance between inbound and outbound. recruiting people who are passionate to work for your company as well as the ones who have skills that are difficult to find a jobs. If you want to find a bout jobs you can join link to  below.   

Monday, July 1, 2019


Cambodia Job | Jobs | Part time Job , People & Jobs is a career consulting firm with professional recruiting in cambodia. phnom penh job | Part time job.
So, you're about to take your first international trip? please enjoy your time. You're in for a real adventure, and will make memories that you'll cherish for a lifetime. It's one thing to visit a new destination, but it's another thing to leave your home country behind for the very first time. By now, you've probably spent hours researching this dream trip. You've watched one travel vlog after another, and you've got a Pinterest board dedicated to restaurants and excursions you want to experience during your getaway. Travel requirements differ depending on where you're jetting off to, so here are some important things to remember for your first international trip, if you want everything to run smoothly.
On the one hand, there's nothing more exciting than exploring a new country for the first time. On the other hand, crossing into the unknown can feel a bit intimidating. Different countries and cultures can feel worlds apart than what you're used to back home on the daily. Travel is often unpredictable, and the idea of being in an unfamiliar setting can be stressful. There's no way you can plan for every single scenario, but you can do your best to be prepared. If you're about to embark on your first trip abroad, there are some things you should know before you leave.

Imagine being unable to access your money in another country — what a nightmare! Banks go to great lengths to prevent identity theft, so they'll likely place a block on your account if they suspect any fraudulent activity from an unfamiliar location. For this reason, it's so important to inform your bank of your travel plans before you go. You'll have no problem swiping that card if you notify your bank ahead of time.
Your mind is likely overflowing with things to pack before your trip, so it may be easy to forget something as simple as an international charger. You will need to do research beforehand to see which charger works best for the country you'll be visiting.

You've been ready to put your passport to use since you planned this trip. It's crucial to check the expiration date on your passport before booking your flight. According to Fast port Passport, many countries require your passport to be valid at least six months prior to departure. Verify the expiration date ahead of time, so you can renew your passport if necessary. In addition, don't forget to make copies of your passport in case it gets lost or stolen.

Travel vaccinations are no joke, so consult your doctor before you get on your flight. In order to avoid getting sick, you should check the vaccine requirements for your destination. You are also not allowed to enter certain countries without getting particular vaccinations, so visit your nearest health clinic to see which vaccinations you need ASAP.
Travel insurance will come in handy when you least expect it. We always hope that our travels will go as smoothly as possible, but sometimes, unexpected things go wrong. Bags can be lost, flights can be missed, and health problems can arise during your travels. These things are less likely to ruin your trip when you know you're covered by insurance. You may have to pay a small fee upfront, but travel insurance can save you tons of money in the long run.

You should always research cultural customs to make the most of your international trip. Every culture operates differently, so you should inform yourself in the best way possible before visiting a new country. Spend time learning about the appropriate dress code and etiquette. Practice a few words in the local language. You'll save yourself a lot of stress by learning the cultural dos and don'ts ahead of time.